Acupuncture needles are very thin and smooth, so when they are inserted you feel only a slight sensation or nothing at all. Once the needles are in place, you may feel a sensation of heaviness, warmth or tingling at and around the site of the needle. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment.
When performed by a qualified, Licensed Acupuncturist, Acupuncture and related techniques have proven to be extremely safe. Needles are pre-sterilized and disposable to eliminate the risk of disease transmission, and certification in Clean Needle Technique protocols to ensure that needles are kept sterile.
Your practitioner will carefully evaluate your personal condition by asking questions about your past and present medical history, taking the pulses, observing the tongue, and palpating various areas of the body for tenderness. After arriving at a specific diagnostic conclusion, one or several of the following techniques will be incorporated:
This time has been set aside solely for you. Relax and allow the healing process to occur. Feel free to ask questions or voice your concerns which arise during the treatment. The treatment does not end when the needles are removed. Acupuncture has initiated a change within the body, and now it is your right and responsibility to ensure that these positive patterns are fostered. If possible, take some time to relax directly after your treatment. Most importantly, take an active part in your health care.
The number of treatments you will need depends on your overall health, your body’s response to acupuncture treatment, and the nature and duration of your illness or injury. Usually within 4 to 6 treatments your acupuncturist will be able to tell you how much further treatment you will need.
Many insurance companies are recognizing that acupuncture and East Asian Medicine is an effective healthcare system that both treats and prevents illness. Prior to treatment, after supplying your insurance information, James Shinol will provide a free examination of your insurance benefits to see if you have coverage. Out-of-pocket cost for treatment varies based on the number of treatments needed, but the ability to purchase treatment packages greatly decreases the expense. Find if I qualify!
Traditional Chinese and Japanese acupuncture recognizes that many times aches, pains and other discomforts are only symptoms of a deeper underlying health problem. Therefore, a comprehensive diagnosis is complied, which takes into account the individual’s body, mind, and spirit. The theory behind this healing approach is known as “Root-Branch Philosophy”. The “branch” is the symptom that the patient is experiencing and the “root” is the cause of the manifestation of that symptom. Initially the goal of treatment is to eliminate the symptom. Secondly the body is strengthened to prevent the reoccurrence and progression of disease. Prevention is the best medicine. Click here to find out more!
Ready to see how acupuncture can help you? Call us to schedule your first appointment, and let our fantastic team be your guide to better health. Discover the healing power of acupuncture and enjoy a healthier, happier life. At Think Acupuncture, your well-being is our main goal.